Den röda vintern (Red winter)

Published by Kartago förlag, 2015. A love story unfolds in a small town in the north during an extremely cold winter in the late seventies. The longtime ruling political party, the Social Democrats has recently lost its governmental power, and as a result large number of communist groups emerge in the little town and at its workplaces. Siv is married with children, and hers and Ulriks relationship is further complicated by Ulriks political devotion and his maoist friends opinions about their liaison. Sivs children watches the events take place but have trouble understanding the adults and their behavior.

Published in french as “Hiver Rouge” (scroll down).
Will be released in english as “Red Winter” in february 2018 (scroll down).

red winter
More books by Anneli Furmark

Hiver Rouge

Publié par Editions çà et là, 2015. Fin des années 1970, en Suède. Les sociaux-démocrates ayant récemment perdu le pouvoir après plus de quarante années de règne sans partage, plusieurs partis d’extrême gauche s’activent au niveau national, mais aussi dans les rues et les entreprises d’une petite bourgade du nord du pays. Mariée, mère de trois enfants et employée à la section jeunesse locale du parti social-démocrate, Siv tombe amoureuse d’un jeune maoïste, Ulrik, récemment arrivé du sud de la Suède pour militer et prendre le contrôle du syndicat des ouvriers de l’aciérie de la ville. Témoins malgré eux des agissements de leur mère, les enfants de Siv observent ce qui se passe sans réellement comprendre. Hiver rouge retrace le cheminement de deux engagements, amour passionnel et militantisme politique, qui vont se heurter de plein fouet.

red winter

Red Winter

Will be published by Drawn&Quarterly as “Red Winter” in february 2018.The scene is late seventies Sweden: the four-decade-long reign of the once indestructible socio-democratic party has come to an end. Parties on the far left begin to mobilize, hoping to overcome the prevailing capitalist model on a national scale, but also in the streets, factories, and small towns to the North. This is where we meet Siv: a married mother of three employed by the youth sector of her local socio-democratic chapter. Without warning, Siv falls in love with a young Maoist, Ulrik, who recently arrived from the south of Sweden to militarize—and gain control—of the steelworkers union.


red winter
More books by Anneli Furmark